Welcome to Manifestoland

The cardinal rule of writing: show, don't tell. 

We create manifestos to show the world what we stand for. A manifesto is a rally cry. It's meant to stir, to incite action. What are you willing to stand up for? Against? How do you want to make people feel? What do you want people to do? Don't tell us. Show us who you are.


Chicago Blues Experience

Written for a museum dedicated to the Chicago Blues


Video design & partnership: Gabe Usadel
Sound design: Joe Griffin
AVO: Dennis

You’re in heaven.
But you’re on your knees.
And your teeth are in the dirt.

It’s primal agony,
Sweating and suffering, writhing suffering and sweat,
But you are elevated.

You’ve got the guts, the drive to go through it again.
Because you have to.
Because it’s in your bloody bones,

Because you’re America.
Flawed and pulsing and alive.
And we are the city that works.


You are the lub-dub of our south side,
lub-dub of our west.

You sucked all the soul up out of our city in one desperate slurp
And you’ve got none left
Because you sold it
To Lucifer,
Lub-dub, lub-dub,
For one last chance with her,
Her with those brown lips you last saw
licked in neon by a pool table on 43rd Street.

You inherited the grinning heritage of the gods.
You’re bad.
You’re blind.
You never learn. Do you?
You’re a revelation,
Faith and heartbreak and renewal, howling down Halsted.
You’re always changing
Our moans, our minds and the direction of the river.

Because we are the city that works.
The city that fights.
The city that comes together for one thing.
Lub-dub, lub-dub.
You are the blues.
And you are our experience. Our story.
In the city that buys and sells and hustles and grinds.
Our work is never done.

Damn right I got the blues.

The Chicago Blues Experience. Bring it on home.


Children's Hospital Colorado

Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 1.57.55 PM.png

Created in partnership with
teams at SapientRazorfish

There’s a light in you.
It’s pulsing and giving off heat.
Can you feel it?
It’s in there.

But when your child’s health is out of your hands,
fear can eclipse what’s roaring inside you.
Knock the air out of your lungs.
Make you feel so far away, even from your kid.

That’s why you come to us.
Because here, it’s different.

Here, your family becomes part of ours,
And together, we’ll pull you back up
to a place where you can breathe,
a place where really being together
is at the heart of our world-class medical care.

When your child’s health is out of your hands,
these are the hands you want to take over.
Hands that have performed hundreds of delicate procedures on babies,
before they’re even born.
Hands that have an 85% cure rate for cancer and blood disorders.
Hands that will hold yours,
help you understand what’s happening,
And what to do next.

That’s why you come to us.
Because here, family makes us all stronger.

And that’s what makes this place so different.

Children’s Hospital Colorado. Here, it’s different.



B2B modular carpet for corporate spaces


Photo: Andy Barnes
Design: Rod Hunting

I am nearly invisible.
But there are others like me — everywhere.
You always forget me,
but I am under your feet,
ahead of your footsteps,
and between your every touch.

You can hang by me.
You can lose by me.
You can pick me up and see the world differently.
You can push me through the tiniest spaces,
Through the most crowded places.

I do not fear the point.
I bring you together.
I am music. I am science.
Sometimes you break me.
Sometimes you need me.
I am delicate.
But I make you stronger.
I build.
I inspire.
I connect.
I reconnect.

I am just a thread.
But I am a start.

We know that modular carpet can’t change the world,
But we can inspire the people who can.

Interface. Beautiful spaces for beautiful thinking.



Modular carpet, consumer-facing sister brand of Interface


Photo: Bruce Quist

Amongst us, falling flat on floors covered in thoughtless taupes and sad cements, there’s a voice that says,
“Some people are creative and some just aren’t.”

Allow us to say in a diametrically ungrumpy voice,
“That’s nonsense.”

We say — nobody owns design.
Design belongs to everyone who gets up the courage
to make something marvelous.
And marvel, ladies & gentlemen, is in the eye of the maker.

We say — have your cake, drop it on accident,
and don’t worry a lick about the pink frosting
on your sea foam flooring.

We say — “hey fear, we see you. We see your true colors — your khaki temerity and non-committal neutrals.”

Berber doesn’t even sound like fun.
It sounds like you should say, “Excuse me” after it.

What we’re saying is, “There are no excuses.”
You are creatively capable.
Your bedroom can be built on a foundation of freedom
in clementine and lime.
Your kitchen floor can be kaleidoscopic
and your basement can be wall-to-wall
“wonder how she did that?” 

It’s all about the “can bes.”
Because FLOR is a fully changeable system based on squares.
And squares can be dots. Or triangles.
And triangles are the scientific symbol for change.

It doesn’t have to be science.
It just has to make you happy.
So you can change your mind and your design
any time you take hold of the “can bes.”

The world can be a better place if we work together
to make great design mean smart design.

Smart for you, your family and our planet.
So make something that makes you happy in khaki,
because neutral can be beautiful when you commit to it.

Go on, make something lovely in lavender,
joyful in exclamation-point persimmon,
And don’t cry over spilled milk, wine, juice, pop,
or anything at all. (But go ahead and cry over the movie UP because we’re all human.)

Let’s power floor-first into the unabashed,
playful pursuit of possibility.

Let’s make something marvelous together.

FLOR. Design possibilities to infinity.


Diamonds for Africa

James R. Jordan Foundation fundraiser to help build a hospital for women and children in Kenya


We invite you to join us in giving.

Because for centuries, we have taken.
Human beings.
Precious resources.

And it’s time we heal what we have

It’s time for the world to give back what we have taken from Africa.
And we can do that by giving our
Diamonds for Africa.

The pendant from your neck.
The ring from your finger.
The watch from your wrist.

It has felt your pulse.
It has walked with you down the aisle.
It was filled with memories by your godmother.

You will hold on to what these diamonds mean forever.
And they will become even more meaningful
when you let them go.

Your diamonds can do so much more than attend the occasional black tie affair. 
They can heal.
They can give back life where life has been taken.

Just one earring means 40 mammograms to women
who have never seen a doctor.

Your grandmother’s bracelet can haul water
to an entire village every day for a whole year.

You can turn a three-carat ring into six months of meals
for families in famine.

Your diamonds can do more than sit quietly in a little blue box.
They can change minds, spark hope and save lives.

When you give your diamonds back to Africa,
Amazing things happen.
Hospitals are built.
Roads are paved. 
Children are clothed.
Someone listens to the silenced.
Someone cares for the abandoned.

Giving back is a shining example of what you truly value.
Giving back is an act of selflessness
that will leave your self feeling unimaginably good.

A lot of people ask you to write a great big check for their cause.
Diamonds for Africa asks you do something far more personal.
We ask you to take something you have,
something that probably means a lot to you,
and give it to a person you will probably never meet.

The world has taken from Africa.
This is your chance to give Africa something beautiful back.

Diamonds for Africa. Give back.